Let me introduce myself

About Me

Who am I?

My name is Bradley Hattingh. I am a South African Italian. My mother tongue is English, but I can also speak Italian. Additionally, in school, I also studied Afrikaans and Zulu and so I am understand how intimidating it can be to learn a foreign language. I was born in South Africa, where I attended school and university. In 2021, I chose to reshape my experience of life and moved to Italy. I am now applying to study my Masters in Cognitive Neuroscience.

In my Honours year at my University, I tutored two 1st year psychology classes. The rest of my tutoring has been rather informal up until this year. Last year I decided, i wanted to teach English and so I enrolled in a TEFL course and got my diploma. My English teaching journey has already begun. My methodology involves an interview with the student and a needs analysis questionnaire. From this I am able to grasp the level of the student's English, where his/her interests are as well as the student's needs. This allows me to develop a curriculum specifically tailored to the student to keep them interested and to improve their specific needs. We'll largely work on the 4 skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Special attention will be given to pronunciation and vocabulary if needed. Being South African, I have been exposed to both British English and American English and I'm able to easily differentiate between the two.

Qualifications & Degrees

Bachelor of Commerce (2016-2018) - I studied my undergraduate degree at the University of the Witwatersrand (Africa's top university). My main subjects were Psychology and Marketing, but I also studied Human Resources, Accounting, Computational Mathematics, Statistics, Research Design and Analysis, a course in Commercial Law, and Economic theory.

Honours in Psychology (2019) - In South Africa, students are required to do an academic degree called an "Honours Degree", after our undergraduate degree and before studying a Master's degree. My primary focus and interest was Cognitive Neuroscience. 

GA Level 5 Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language - This Diploma qualifies me to teach English, including 1-on-1 and online teaching, and teaching Business English.


First of all, I LOVE learning. I have a broad range of interests spanning from philosophy to history to biology. I enjoy playing and watching sports. You will often find me reading research papers or with a book in hand. Moreover, I love spending many of my weekends hiking in the beautiful Liguria region. Above all, eating is my greatest passion. 


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